Selos de Qualidade Europeus (EQL) para o projeto eTwinning «European Student Council
Dear Madalena,
Congratulations! You have been awarded the eTwinning National Quality Label for your participation in the project “European Student Council 2024 : In Arte Concordia”. Your National Support Organisation left the following note when reviewing your application:
Caro(a) professor(a), Muitos parabéns pelo trabalho desenvolvido. O projeto está bem estruturado e evidencia os critérios de qualidade em avaliação. Continuação de bom trabalho. Pel’ A Organização Nacional de Apoio eTwinning
To generate and/or download the Quality Label certificate, please visit European Student Council 2024 : In Arte Concordia and visit ‘My labels & awards’ section in the ‘About’ tab.
Kind regards,
The eTwinning team
Dear Madalena Relvão,
Congratulations! You have been awarded the European Quality Label for the work in the eTwinning project “European Student Council 2023”. This means that your work, the work of your students and the collaboration with your partners met the Quality Label Framework criteria and received a high score.
As a result, you will receive a certificate which you can print and display in a prominent position in your school. Also, your project will be featured in a special area on the European School Education Platform.
Once again congratulations and we hope you continue organising high quality projects with other eTwinning teachers.
With our best regards,
The eTwinning Team
Dear Sílvio Freire,
Congratulations! You have been awarded the European Quality Label for the work in the eTwinning project “European Student Council 2023“. This means that your work, the work of your students and the collaboration with your partners met the Quality Label Framework criteria and received a high score.
As a result, you will receive a certificate which you can print and display in a prominent position in your school. Also, your project will be featured in a special area on the European School Education Platform.
Once again congratulations and we hope you continue organising high quality projects with other eTwinning teachers.
With our best regards,
The eTwinning Team
Provide young people with a space for reflection and dialogue between theaterand the reality about democracy in their countries, using school theater clubs toshare and disseminate the values, principles, concerns and fears of young peopleabout the future of democracy in Europe. Create plays for exhibition in schoolcommunities and hold a European school theater meeting dedicated to thecelebration of democracy. The targeted students’ age group is 15 to 18.
Aims-To develop and strengthen the value of the school theatre clubs throughdifferent activities of the project;-To promote the social and personal development of young people in terms ofinteraction and critical thinking;-To use school theater to deepen and consolidate democratic experiences andpractices;-To make young people more dynamic, protagonists of change and more activecitizens;-To hold a European school theater meeting with an impact on the localcommunity.
Work ProcessThe teachers coordinating this project in the various European schools willparticipate in the event “European Week of languages” in Serpa – Portugal, toreceive training on theater and design the project "Celebrating Democracy" withpartners. Then the coordinators implement the activities in their schools with theschool theater clubs and promote extensive online meetings between all students
and teachers involved in the project. Then, the participants (teachers and students)will meet in March, in Serpa, to participate in the event “European Days ofDemocracy” where students meet face-to-face and work together. Finally, studentsand teachers participate in the European School Theater Summit in Serpa, wherethey receive training on theater and promote activities in the city of Serpa,spreading the values of democracy.
Expected Results-Participants will understand the concept of democracy, experience and live it;They will examine the similarities and differences in democratic principles of theEuropean countries involved in the project and find their common democraticheritage.-Participants will develop their social skills and increase dialogue betweenpeople of different nationalities, improving multicultural knowledge WithinEurope;-the theater clubs will encourage the rapprochement between participants fromdifferent countries, favoring the increase of the European sense of belongingand contributing to the humanization of social relations in an increasinglytechnological and distant world in human warmth.-Participants will acquire and deepen their technical knowledge of theaterthroughout the project activities and the final theater meeting;-We innovate teaching, thus increasing the quality of teaching and the project’sability to improve the intercultural dimension.
EPAS newsletter julho 2022(com testemunho da presença da EBSQF no evento LUX Awards 2022)
Projeto eTwinning «European Student Council» – síntese do Encontro presencial em Estrasburgo
Selos obtidos por professores da EBSQF
Manual de Educação para a Cidadania